The Editor in Chief (EIC) of the JOGR will select the 5 best REI papers published in the JOGR in the 2 years preceding the AOFOG Congress starting from January and ending in December of the following year. For example, for AOFOG 2019, all REI papers published from 1st January 2017 till 31st December 2018 will be considered.
There is no age limit but the candidate must be the first named author.
Authors from a National Society in arrears for more than 3 years at the time of consideration of the Awards are not eligible. The EIC will therefore request from the Honorary Treasurer a list of National Societies in arrears for more than 3 years.
The articles will then be sent to members of the Selection Committee comprising the EIC, Chairman of the REI Committee and a Representative of the YS Chang Foundation, who will adjudicate based on originality, relevance, scientific content, methodology, discussion and other factors as determined by the EIC.
The EIC will collate all the scores and determine the winner. In the case of a tie, the EIC will have absolute discretion to decide the winner.
The YS Chang winner is not eligible for the Young Scientist or Murata Awards.In a situation where an author has the highest mark for both the Chang Award and the YSA, he will receive the YSA and the Chang Award will then go to the next author in order of merit.
The Secretariat will notify the Executive Board of the winners of the YSA, Murata and Chang Awards 4 months before the AOFOG Congress. Once ratified, all 3 winners will be notified at the same time by the Secretariat.
The winner will be requested to receive the Award in person. The Congress Registration fee will be waived but the Award does not cover travel or accommodation expenses. If the Awardee is unable or unwilling to accept the Award in person, the Award will be offered to the next candidate in order of merit.